16 July, 2008


There is a gun I have which is the best thing I found with my metal detector.
Mostly I kept it close at all times, a secret extra part to me.
A wife found it. I thought it was my wife, but would my wife really do something such as that? Could my wife secretly be a finder?
So I kept it in the ground instead of what she asked. At night I would visit my gun and dig him up and clean him before putting him back.
But the earth smell would stay on me all night and the garden had these inverted patches. When she realised she just looked at me about it.
I realised that I wasn’t supposed to bring it back. It’s too much of a thing to have near my house. If you found a griffin you wouldn’t bring it back and put it in your shed.
I drove him up to the mountains and under the earth and a pile of rocks I buried him. It became a shrine I could go back to. Every week or month. Every whenever I needed it. I went back and he wasn’t there.
I think he was found by a secret finder and I don’t know what to do about it.

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